Friday, July 28, 2006

Black Friday???

Is today Black Friday? No, I checked the date and it's the 28th July. It sure feels like it's the 13th though.

Everything just seems to be going wrong today. Not drastically wrong and I'll pray it stays that way. Just wrong nevertheless - and some of it's my own doing.

One of my bad habits is not writing everything in my diary. At work I have a paper diary and an Outlook calendar. So now I have to remember to put all my commitments in both of them. God has blessed me with a long-term memory worthy of an elephant. Sadly I can't say the same for my short-term memory. Emma can testify the number of times I've misplaced my wallet, mobile, keys or a combination of the above.

Another two of my bad habits are oversleeping and dawdling - both which lead to the dreaded lateness disease. The lateness disease is one which seems to affect Perthites in epic proportions.

Today I stayed in bed 40 minutes past my alarm and then spent ages doing the washing and dawdling and consequently was running late for work. The next thing that went wrong was that I thought I had a shift on the Enquiries desk in the morning so I went down there and started up the computer. I'd completely forgotten that I was meant to be an observer at a talk one of my workmates was giving for new students. She had wondered where I was so had left without me. So I had to race up to the other end of campus, find the room and was 10 minutes late. Luckily I wasn't the one giving the talk.

Then later I was giving a talk to 35 new students for orientation week and I was showing them how to use the catalogue to find their course readings - and the catalogue died. It was kinda embarrassing but funny and I tried to make the best of it and showed them some other stuff for their course. They were good about it though but it was frustrating.

Tonight I was going to be catching up with a friend who I hadn't seen for a while. Then I found out she was bringing someone else along and hoped I didn't mind.

Well YES I did mind. I was looking forward to catching up with my friend alone. I have nothing against the other friend, she's nice and all but I'd rather she asked me BEFORE she invited her other friend. Of course now I had no choice but to say 'yes that's ok' otherwise the other friend will think I'm a total cow. Oh well, I'll suppose I'll just have to go and hope that we have a good time all the same.

Grrr. I know some of it's my own fault. Please Lord don't let anything REALLY bad happen. On the good side - I ate a very nice piece of fudge that I brought back from Victoria. I suppose you can't go a whole day without ONE good thing happening.


  1. I've read now that it turned out well. But would you have said no, had you been properly asked about bringing the friend along?
    I'd probably never say no, because it might make my friend unhappy.
    Maybe I'm just too sooky and scared of any conflict.

    On other occasions I've been the "can I bring someone..." asker, and felt guilty, and wondered if it was possible to get an honest answer. Would anyone actually say "no"?

  2. Yeah, it's difficult. Sometimes you end up getting on with friends of friends really well and other times it's really awkward cos you just have nothing in common with that person.

    Sometimes I've asked if I can bring someone too but I haven't invited them before checking with the other person.

    It's good to be meeting more people. If a friend asked me if they could bring another friend (before actually inviting them), I would honestly say no if I wanted it to be just us and especially if I'd met their other friend before and just didn't get on with them. Or if I didn't feel like conflict, maybe I'd agree to it but make sure I could meet up with just my friend later.


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)