Friday, September 01, 2006

Chocolate Friday

I've read a lot of blogs that have 'Photo Friday' where the blogger posts a photo on a particular theme. I don't have Photo Friday but I do have 'Chocolate Friday'.

What's that?

Well, being the chocoholic I am, I decided drastic action was needed to curb my habit. So I invented Chocolate Friday. Every Friday I allow myself to eat chocolate (not too much though) and I fast from it for the rest of the week.

This has worked reasonably well although sometimes I have chocolate when I catch up with friends....or at work when someone puts M&Ms in the lolly bowl....occasionally Chocolate Friday has turned into Chocolate Thursday....or Chocolate Tuesday.....Ok, enough! Bad bad Sarah!

At least I'm improving, I guess. Before I invented Chocolate Friday, I was having chocolate every day. I foolishly told some of my workmates about Chocolate Friday and now they try to tempt me on other days of the week. Mean mean workmates ;)

Men, I know you don't understand the big deal with women and chocolate. I can't really explain it either but apparantly it has some kind of chemical affect on our brain :)

Chocolate Friday has made appreciate chocolate and Fridays so much more and not be such a pig :D

This was taken at the CCC camp recently. Of course, if I'm eating chocolate, it's gotta be someone elses ;)


  1. *must refrain from making a comment about ' but apparantly it has some kind of chemical affect on our brain :)'*;)

    Chocolate is good, I am sure I don't enjoy it as much as you do but I am still a very big fan:)

    MMM dove...

  2. Check your letterbox. Unless you're online and reading this right now. In which case, pretend you didn't read it, read it again in 10 minutes, and then check your letterbox.
    I hope you don't have snails.

  3. IT WAS YOU!!! I came home from tennis about 15 mins ago and wondered who on earth had left two boxes of chocolates in my letterbox, and were they for me or Emma???? Thanks but what's the occasion? Very much appreciated though. The snails didn't get 'em.

  4. The occasion? Why, Chocolate Friday of course! Or Chocolate Thursday. Or Wednesday for that matter.

    I was going to leave them anonymously, but I thought that might be disturbing.

    Hope they're enjoyable.


  5. You are a very generous person - but bad for feeding my habit, yes hehe ;) May God bless you heaps :)


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)