Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Gettin' Down and Dirty!!!

No, this post isn't dodgy - it's about gardening...and cleaning...and stuff!

I had a weekend jam packed with all sorts of physical labour. On Saturday morning, myself and some others helped a family from church fix up their garden. They live in North Perth and are planning to sell their house and move south of the river to be closer to church. Before they put their house on the market, they asked if anyone could help with performing a 'Backyard Blitz' on their garden.

I was the only girl who showed up so I got given the 'female' jobs like pruning, weeding and painting while the guys fixed up the back fence and the retaining walls in the garden. But then I helped the guys shovel dirt and we all ended up pretty filthy - a mixture of sunscreen, sweat and dirt! It was fun though! Sometimes it's good to just get dirty and not care. I even had dirt up my nose (sorry for that mental image)! You can always have a shower later.

Then yesterday we had an inspection (one of the downsides of renting). We're neat so we only get inspected twice a year but it always occurs at a busy time so cleaning up can be a pain in the bum. My gardening fest continued and I spent part of the weekend pulling weeds out from between the bricks in the back courtyard. Roundup did the rest. Emma and I used Enjo on the house (except for killing the mould in the shower) and it all worked really well. We passed...naturally.

I'm always much more enthusiastic about helping others with their cleaning/gardening than I am about doing my own. Not sure why that is, but maybe I'm just dobbing myself in for endless busy bees by admitting that on here ;)

Not surprisingly I was very tired after it all.


  1. Hey! If you want to get enthusiastic about other people's gardens, we've got a wilderness to tame. :)

  2. Hehe, maybe I'll change the world one garden at a time ;)


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