Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Inspirational Movies

On Sunday night, I watched parts of the Countdown to the Most Inspiring Movie of All Time on Channel 7. Basically it consisted of counting down the Top 100 'most inspiring' movies ever as voted by the 'experts' in the film industry. I kept telling myself that I was going to have an early night but curiosity got the better of me and I held out to see what the number 1 movie was.

Now I happen to love 'inspirational' movies with memorable lines, that really make you think, give you goosebumps and make you want to fight for a cause. Some of them on the list were not a surprise at all, while there were others I'd never heard of. This was mainly because they were way before my time ie. black and white films from the 30s and 40s.

Here's the Top 100 list.

Out of that list, I have to say I've seen very few of the movies. Here are the ones I have seen and their ranking.

#3 Schindler's List
#6 E.T. The Extra Terrestrial
#10 Saving Private Ryan
#23 The Shawshank Redemption
#24 National Velvet
#26 The Wizard of Oz
#32 Casablanca
#37 Forrest Gump
#41 The Sound of Music
#59 Dances with Wolves
#62 Braveheart
#64 The Black Stallion
#73 Erin Brockovich
#78 Thelma and Louise
#79 The Ten Commandments
#80 Babe
# 93 A Beautiful Mind

After this countdown, I now have plenty of ideas about what to watch next.


  1. There's a huge huge US bias in that list. I wonder if the 'experts in the motion picture community' who chose them were mostly from the US motion picture community?

    Anyway ... you've seen way more from that list than I have.

    But if you want to see:
    39 STAR WARS 1977
    I have them and would be most pleased to watch them with you or lend them to you. Or there's heaps more you can rent.

  2. In fact, Gerard showed me Sullivan's Travels some time ago and I think he got it from where you are. You could probably walk a few metres and grab it yourself. There's probably lots more on that list too, right near you. Calling your name... "Sarah... Sarah... Sarah".
    OK, I'm tired, can you tell? I'm going to bed now. Bye.

  3. Meh Star Wars! Thanks but it has never appealed to me and I'm not much of a sci-fi fan. Haven't heard of Sullivan's Travels before but I might check it out.

  4. i cant believe rocky even made it to that list! its such crap (am i allowed to use that word :)?)
    its not inspirational!
    I only recently saw erin brockovich and loved it - amazingly though, I have never seen the wizard of oz.
    I cant remember but did that list have "the crucible" thats one of my favourite plays/movies
    p.s. you dont have to be a sci-fi nerd or fan to see stars wars to be

  5. i cant believe rocky even made it to that list! its such crap (am i allowed to use that word :)?)
    its not inspirational!
    I only recently saw erin brockovich and loved it - amazingly though, I have never seen the wizard of oz.
    I cant remember but did that list have "the crucible" thats one of my favourite plays/movies
    p.s. you dont have to be a sci-fi nerd or fan to see stars wars to be

  6. what the!! how did three sets of my comments get copied!

  7. Yes, crap is permissable ;)


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