People asked me how the funeral went. I didn't know what to say to that. 'Good'. 'Okay'. 'Sad'. Something along those lines. But I know they were only asking because they care.
Allen was buried at Freo cemetery with his wife, Lyn who died in February last year. I thought Karen (their daughter) held up pretty well during the service. The service was very 'Christian' ie. lots of bible readings and prayer. Allen wasn't a Christian though and that's what I was most sad about. We Christians tell others to trust Jesus and that he is only way for salvation and eternal life. Yet when a non Christian we love dies, we don't like to think that our loved one is not in heaven. I think death is a taboo topic for both Christians and non Christians.
Suddenly my parents and their friends have realised that life is short and they are frantically making plans to catch up more often. I hope they don't suddenly go crazy the way some people do when they realise that life is short ie. buying ferraris and going on expensive holidays etc. I know God can bring good out of this and I hope that they all question what life REALLY is about and find that life in Christ.
I know this is a pretty morbid post and I promise my next one will be much happier. Maybe it will be the long-awaited Lesson 2 from Sarah's School of Dating.
Stay tuned ;)

Allen is on the far left. This was taken at my birthday in May this year.
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