Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Year of Never Been Done Before

There's only hours left of 2006 and 2007 is nearly upon us. So how will I remember 2006?

Early in the year, I decided that this year I wanted to try things that I had never done. Too often in the past I had missed out because I was too scared to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. The aim was not merely personal fulfillment but I wanted to serve God and live for him and not let fear hold me back. God is so big and would surely be with me all the way, even though the things that were new and scary to me might not seem like a big deal for other people. And so 2006 became 'The Year of Never Been Done Before'.

I've looked back over my year and made a list of things that I did for the very first time in 2006.

* I went on a plane for the first time (in July to Melbourne)
* I went out of WA for the first time.
* I started helping out in English as a Second Language (ESL) ministry, meeting for bible study with Chinese people investigating Christianity.
* I went on the ESL camp (in October).
* I was asked to be a bridesmaid (for my housemate Emma who's getting married in May 2007).
* I went into a bridal shop.
* I made new friends (although that seems to happen every year).
* I was part of a women's bible study group (having previously been in mixed groups).
* I went to an Eskimo Joe concert.
* I started helping out with Sunday School at my church.
* I went to Cornerstone for the whole camp (having previously been a day visitor).
* I went camping in Margaret River (although that was a disaster because I ended up with gastro).
* I went to the State Youth Games (playing for South Perth CofC).
* I started a blog (and a Flickr site).

Not all of these things are ministry-related and not all of them are scary (in fact most of them were just plain fun!). People who were previously acquaintances became good friends. I strived to maintain existing relationships with friends and family. Friends moved house. Relationships began and ended. There were many engagements. My church grew. Babies were born and more are due next year. Sadly there were also deaths. The Eagles won their third premiership. I went through a very difficult time from early to mid September (although it felt like months) where I seriously doubted God's goodness and called him a stinge. God responded in a way that really threw me - he started giving me what I had been praying for. I had doubted him and turned away from him but he was faithful. I repented and turned back to him and it truly felt like God was with me in the darkness. May 2007 be spent walking with him.

I've also realised that every year is a 'Year of Never Been Done Before'. 2007 will surely bring new and exciting things.

I have lots to look forward to and be thankful for in 2007. Leave a comment and say what 2006 meant to you.


  1. Happy New Year... it will be 2007 in Oz before it arrives here in Canada. Keep trying new things, enjoy!

  2. Thank you! Happy New Year to you too!


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