Monday, January 08, 2007

News Flash!!!!!!

I have MASSIVE news!!! It's so exciting - well I think so anyway. I will reveal all in good time but in the meantime, can any of you guess what it is? I rang a good friend yesterday and asked her to guess and she went " can fly?" Go on, have a guess.


  1. MASSIVE news? You've put on 10 kilos?

  2. Hahahahaha NO! That would NOT be something to rejoice about ;)

  3. Something to do with writing?

  4. Bingo. Full points to Bek :D

  5. Even more exciting ... you've been tagged. Check my blog for details.

  6. mwhahaha...
    i knew it. anytime a chick has massive news. its a boyfriend!!
    yay i won!!
    now the question is, who?
    i think i already know though.

  7. Well, it doesn't seem to be me. Unless there's something Sarah hasn't told me.

  8. I'm going to put a post up (with a picture)revealing who the lucky guy is this weekend:D
    Sorry Terios buddy, it isn't you but I reckon you're one of only a couple of people who read this blog who knows my bf. Although everyone does seem to know everyone in the Christian community so I wouldn't entirely be surprised who else knew him.


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)