Saturday, February 10, 2007

Summer in the City

How hot has it been lately? Praise God for the cooler weather this weekend.

When I heard it was going to be 29 on both Saturday and Sunday, I jumped for joy. Oh how I despise stinking hot weather. 29 is good cos it's still warm enough to go to the beach.

You see, growing up in Albany, I've always been a fan of cold weather. I love the middle of winter - getting to wear snuggly jumpers, reading by the fire or heater, listening to storms while being thankful that I'm safe inside, watching spectacular lightning through the window, hot food and drinks, scarves, AFL season...yep winter is good!

Since I'm also a beach lover, I love spring and the very beginning of summer as well, when it's just hot enough to go the beach. 30 degrees is fine but no hotter. I hate Perth summers with a passion - scorching my feet on the hot sand or concrete, sweating, being stuck inside with my air conditioner because it's too hot to go outside and enjoy the day, making sure I drink enough so I don't get dehydrated (don't laugh Dunc! ;P). Thank goodness I have air con in my house and car. I really don't understand those people who love 40 degrees weather or who insist it has to be stinking hot before they go swimming. In Albany, there are great beaches but not so much summery weather so we take advantage of every chance we get to swim. It's not unusual to visit Middleton Beach in the winter months and see the Granny Gromits in the water (older ladies' surfing group).

I am never EVER living anywhere stinking hot, like up north :P

How about you? Are you a summer, winter or in-between person? Have you been lapping up this recent heat wave or loathing it?


  1. Well my dear, I think we should all once in a while travel out of our comfort zones and experience the GREAT out doors. Please don't get me wrong, I don't particularly like the hot weather of WA, but you sometimes have to take the good with the bad... Its only a couple of months of the year that gets a little over bearing, but thank God for the invention of air con' in cars and house and shopping centres!! The rest of the year is just right, or abit too cold:)

  2. I will experience the great outdoors as long as the weather is how I like it ;)

  3. Well, unlike you, growing up in Albany has made me LOVE the hot weather. I got so sick of the cold, wet, miserable(:P) weather of Albany that I LOVE Perth's weather.

    Having said that I am not saying that I 'enjoy' the 40 degree days, I prefer the hot Perth summer and putting up with the 40 degree days than the cold, wet year round weather(ok, im being dramatic) of Albany.

    I almost feel like I 'need' a hot summer so that I am ready for winter, just so I can get through winter without whinging too much!

  4. Somewhere between 8 and 15 degrees, please. With no rain and no wind, so you can wear a jumper and be warm in your body but have cool air on your face.
    I should move to the United Kingdom.


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)