Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday Funny

This week's Friday Funny is especially appropriate with the Western Derby just one sleep away. The mighty mighty West Coast Eagles are 2-0 with the Dorkers 0-2. And the drought will continue tomorrow, Dorkers - hahaha ;)

This joke is a bit out of date now that Peter Everitt and Paul Medhurst are no longer at Hawthorn and Fremantle respectively but I reckon it's a hoot all the same.

Hopefully I'll be smiling this much tomorrow night!


Super coach Chris Connolly goes to a reunion at Hawthorn and starts chatting with Alistair Clarkson. Alistair says to Chris, "Well Chris, I don't know what you think of your players at Fremantle, but mine here are all bright and brilliant."
"How do you know?" asks Chris.
"Oh well, its simple", says Alistair. "We now put them through a special intelligence test before they can play here. Just pick any of my players and we will see how well he does."
Chris thinks for a while and comes to the conclusion that Spider's not the sharpest tool in the Hawk's shed.
"I'll nominate Spider Everitt", says Chris.

Alistair calls him over and asks him, "Tell me Spider, who is the child of your father and of your mother who is not your brother and is not your sister?"
"Ah, that's simple Alistair," says Spider. "Its me."
"Well done Spider" says Alistair.

Chris is super impressed. Chris returns to Freo and wonders about the intelligence of the team. He calls in Paul Medhurst and asks, " Paul tell me, who is the child of your father and of your mother who is not your brother and is not your sister?"
Paul thinks and thinks and doesn't know the answer. "Can I think about it a bit more Chris, and I'll give you an answer tomorrow?"
"Of course," says Chris. "You've got 24 hours. But it is super important that you come up with the answer."
Paul goes away, thinks as hard as he can, and then he calls in his teammates.

Bell thought it might be his grandpa, but wasn't sure. Pav was certain that it couldn't be any one. Farmer thought it would be an uncle in Meekatharra who had been adopted as a child. Headland thought he said something about his mother & had a swing. Sandilands reckoned the answer was 32. McManus went into the foetal position. The rest of the team wouldn't even hazard a guess.

20 hours later, Paul is very worried that he still has no answer with only 4 hours to go. Eventually Paul says, "I know, I'll ring Chris Judd. He's smart, he will know the answer." He calls Juddy.
"Juddy" he says, "Tell me who is the child of your father and of your mother who is not your brother and is not your sister?"
"Very simple," says Judd, "It's me!"
"Of course!" says Paul, and rings Chris.

"Chris" says Paul, "I've got the answer - it's Chris Judd."

"No you idiot" says Chris. "It's Spider Everitt."

Carn the Eagles!


  1. i just sent you an email about the west coke eagles :)

  2. Haha. Yeah I saw it last week. A friend from Busselton who's an Essendon fan took great delight in showing me that when we visited him. That was the first time I'd seen 'The Chaser's War on Everything'. Loved it, especially Clive, the Slightly-Too-Loud Commuter.

    The Eagles will be flying high tomorrow night without coke ;)


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