Monday, April 23, 2007

Housemate Wanted

I'm getting a bit desperate and need to find someone ASAP. This is one of those situations where I really need to trust that God will provide. And in the past, God has proved completely worthy of my trust.

I either need to find one person to move into my place or Ebony and I need to move and share with some other people. I have the lease for my current place until the 31st July so the latter would mean breaking the lease.

I can't afford to pay all the rent until then, especially since I work part-time. I've thought about living alone but it's just as expensive, finding somewhere decent that will let you have pets is hard and I'd get horribly lonely.

So if you're interested or know someone who might be, these are the qualities I'm looking for in a housemate:
  • Clean and tidy (ie. doing the dishes once a week is NOT enough. I'm an avid supporter of the 24 hour rule concerning dishes)
  • Reliable (able to afford the rent and bills and pays on time)
  • Preferably Christian but not necessarily. I just don't want to live with someone who's going to bring random people home from nightclubs or have big boozy parties all the time.
  • Easygoing. I know we can all be moody at times but I don't want someone who's nearly always in a filthy mood and that I have to walk on eggshells around.
  • Considerate. Someone who respects others' needs.
  • A friend. I'd like to live with someone who'd become a friend (if not already) and not just someone who's there to help pay the rent.
  • Someone who doesn't mind cats. There's no way I'm getting rid of Ebony.

You might think I'm being picky but I have my reasons. I lived in student housing for three years (which I hated) and have lived with my fair share of dodgy people. I've also had friends who've lived with 'difficult' people (even Christians). That's why living with Emma for the past three and a bit years has been so good!

If I stay in my current house, then I really only have room for one more person. There are three bedrooms but the master bedroom is the study/junk room. Also the person would need to be female. I don't feel comfortable living with just one guy. Duncan and I have talked about this and I agreed that I wouldn't feel comfortable with him living with a single chick either.

The other option of course is to move into shared accommodation elsewhere. If so, then I wouldn't live in a household of any more than three people (including myself). In student housing, there were six people per flat and that was far too many, especially when we were all trying to cook at once! Plus when people had friends over it was even more crowded. If I were to move elsewhere, then I don't mind if I live with guys or girls, as long as they are clean.

I'm looking to move or have someone move into my place in early June. Emma gets married on the 12th May so this would give her time to get back from her honeymoon and move the rest of her stuff.

If you're interested in living with an almost 24-year-old Christian girl and a black cat, then I live in a 3 bedroom unit south of the river (about 10-15 minutes from Curtin Uni). Rent is a $100 per week. The house is fully furnished.

If you have a room available in early June, I need somewhere with no more than two other people, not on a busy road (I don't want Ebony getting squashed!), rent no more than $100/ week (preferably, although I can go over) and preferably south of the river although that's not necessary, I just don't want to be too far from work and church.

If you're interested or know someone who might be, please email seddyed at hotmail dot com.

Cheers :)


  1. I suppose you've tried dropping a note to a few local churches.

    How about getting in touch with a couple of the denominational newspapers like the Baptist Advocate? They could run a small ad for you.

  2. I can put one in our bulletin at church if you like? Also, there is a girl in my small group who has just finished studying at a Bible College over in QLD and she is a great chick! She is living with her parents and is wanting to get out, I will suggest this to her, also your not very far from where she currently lives, so Ill email her your details and see if shes interested. she's shy and Im pretty sure she doesnt have a problem with cats.

  3. Thanks Bek. Yeah please let her know, that'd be great


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