Friday, May 11, 2007

The Last Night

Tonight is Emma's last night as my housemate as she and Peter get married tomorrow at 2pm at South Perth Church of Christ. She is the second of my schoolfriends to get hitched and it's both a happy and sad occasion. Happy of course because she's getting married and starting a wonderful new life with her man (who is a top bloke). Sad because she's been such a great friend to live with and I hope God will provide a new housemate soon.

Today was a whirlwind of last minute wedding preparations and the bridal party got massages and manicures (well the blokes only got massages hehe) and I think we're all set to go. I've chipped one of my new nails already and had to patch it up with liquid paper because I didn't have any white nail polish. That just shows how much I'm NOT in nails and all that jazz.
Sadly Duncan can't come down for the wedding because it's the middle of seeding time at the moment.
Well I better go to bed. I'm SO tired.

Below is a photo of Emma and I posing with my mini TV in April 2004 (three months after we moved in). I've bought a bigger TV since then because people complained they couldn't see it ;)


  1. I actually know Emma!

    Well, not 'know know' her. I have met her a couple of times and I think she was in some of the same units as Russell at Acom last year!

    Ha!! Its a small world.

    I hope the wedding went well on Sat!! Cant wait for photos!

  2. Yes, she has said she's met you and Russ at ACOM too. She reads my blog. It sure is a small world.

    Wedding was great and I'll post pics soon.


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