Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Photo Friday - 'Relaxation'

I'm a bit late responding to the Photo Friday challenge this week. Forgive me - my scanner at home doesn't work so I have to use the one at the library.

This is me relaxing by a pool at a Kalgoorlie caravan park on the 2nd October 2004. Emma and I made our first trip to Kal for our good friend Rhianon's wedding as she was living there at the time. I was in my final semester of my Grad Dip in Information and Library Studies so this was one of my few chances to relax before the next onslaught of assignments and exams.


  1. that DOES look mighty relaxing!

  2. mmm... nice swim cozzy! I must say, you really do look relaxed:)

  3. Hmmm, perhaps putting that photo up wasn't the best idea.

  4. your pretty brave!! not many would post a pic of them in their cozzies :)

    you can get away with it though!!

  5. Thanks. I think that will be last cozzy pic I put up though :)


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