Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Calling all Theoblogians #2

It has been a long time since I last updated this series. Since December in fact.

The intent of this series is not to provoke rants and cause divisions among Christians (there's enough of that already) but rather to have a mature adult discussion and learn something.

In the first and only previous post in this series, I asked questions about the gift of tongues and it's role in the church. If you would like to read and comment on this post, you can do so here. I'll keep checking this archive for new responses.

My next question is about gifts of healing.

I haven't heard this discussed much among Christians I know. I've had a look through the Bible to see what it says.

The first thing that jumped out at me from 1 Corinthians 12 is that it says gifts of healing not gift. Does that imply there is more than one gift of healing. I heard someone suggest that people who have a gift of healing are not necessarily able to heal every ailment, just some.

Jesus obviously was known for his healing of physical ailments but that was not his main mission. Throughout the Bible, there are accounts of the apostles having the ability of being able to heal the sick and lame in the name of Jesus.

I disagree with Christians who refuse to talk about gifts of healing and have the look on their faces as if it's evil or something. Gifts of healing are from the Spirit, from God for the building up of his church.

I can understand why some people are sceptical. I often battle with scepticism. It's not hard to doubt when current affairs shows are full of stories of dodgy faith healers ripping people off.

Ultimately healing is God's work after all and he may not choose to heal a person this side of heaven. I get angry when I hear of people saying to sick people that they are sick because they don't have enough faith to be healed.

I was very sceptical when I saw God on My Side at the cinema last year and there was a woman who was healing people through the television. She was saying "I can sense someone out there has warts. You are healed in the name of Jesus." I thought that seemed very dodgy and she was acting more like a medium but then someone said to me that people with gifts of healing can often sense and pray for sick people without actually seeing the person.

So what about gifts of healing today? How is it used? Does it just involve laying hands on someone and saying they are healed in the name of Jesus or does it include people who have medical gifts such as doctors and surgeons?

How does someone know if they have a gift of healing? And how do you know if someone is genuine? Whenever we are sick, is it worth going to a 'healing service' or just see a doctor or get a Christian friend to pray for you? I get confused when I hear Christians say 'I healed some people". What does that mean?


  1. well...I was waiting to see if other people would comment, but it seems they may be a bit shy!!

    Its kind of one of those things where I dont think we really know!

    I have never come across anyone with the gift and I have even heard some people believe that the gift 'died out' - though Im not sure how this would have happened.

    I hate the whole 'Benny Hinn' thing and the evangelists who are just in it for profit.

    I believe that gifts are to bring glory to God, not ourselves.

    This is another toughy, and maybe thats why people dont want to talk about it. Even though it would help a lot!!

  2. I hadn't even heard of Benny Hinn until a few months ago.

  3. I used to see him on at 5.30 in the mornings before heading to work :)

  4. Ah yes, I used to be extra suspicious with people claiming to have this kind of gift, but if God in His grace choose to give it, what can we say?

    Just recently I've found a newspaper article from Indonesia, reporting a kid (can't remember the age) that can heal people. Even the family don't understand why the kid can have such gift, but they humbly said, "let the glory be His"

    I'm not sure whether that still going or not, I kept the link somewhere, but I don't think that will help though, as it's in Indonesian ;)

  5. My Indonesian is very sparse ;)

  6. I hope you are still reading replies to this post.

    God revealed in me, His gift of healing. I was ever-so-reluctant to acknowledge it, but He overwhelmed me with it's manifestations. I'm a mere fellow Christian, but one who is moved to tears when confronted with someone in a terrible physical situation. I've prayed for them and they were miraculously cured. I didn't put two and two together until after the third time I prayed for someone and they were healed. Lord knows...I never asked how they were doing...no...word came back to me that they were healed.
    If this happened to any sane person, they would seek the advice of a shrink. My pastor (a former shrink) pointed me to an association of people with similar experiences.
    I'm now ministering healing prayer to many in the name of Jesus...humbly, and never expecting anything other than those being prayed for experiencing a new relationship with Christ. But ya know what....some get healed!
    There is no formula for getting it right...no method to the madness...just love and prayer. In that love and prayer...miracles happen. Nope..not for everyone...but yes...for enough that this ministry should not stop.
    So, that's my take on what you posted. Bless you for raising the question.
    In His name....

  7. Thanks Marty, that was helpful hearing from someone who has the gift.


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)