Monday, August 06, 2007

Thumbs Up!

Rodney Olsen over at The Journey blog wants to accentuate the positive and has rightly identified the negative vibe which often comes with the blogosphere. See the post here at his blog.

When thinking about what I'd like to do this week, I decided to follow the same idea as Amanda from Amanda's Musings and thank a couple of bloggers whose blogs I've really enjoyed reading for a year and a bit.

Before I name them, I just want to say what influenced my selections. There are tons of good blogs out there but I particularly like reading blogs that are real and gutsy, where you can actually get to know the blogger (as much as you can 'online') and find encouragement from hearing their joys and struggles.

I meet up with a Christian friend every Wednesday after I finish my writing day and currently we're reading through A Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. The last chapter we read really struck me as it was about the real meaning of fellowship. Too often in churches we don't really get to know each other and the word fellowship has come to mean mere social chit chat. Fellowship is much more than that. It's about sharing honestly and being transparent as we bravely open up to others. It's about dropping the masks we wear and letting others see who we really are. And often when one brave person admits their struggles, the others who have kept quiet find the encouragement to do the same. The blogosphere is often just as littered with fakeness and inauthenticity as the 'real world'.

So I want to thank Bek from Longfur and James from Middo's World for their contributions to the blogosphere and for being authentic with their insightful posts. Often the only contact I have with Christians during my day at work is through the blogosphere. Guys, I am really encouraged by your passion for God and for mission. Keep blogging! That's a big enthusiastic two thumbs up from me!

(P.S. I can't believe I managed to include the logo in this post. It's a miracle!)

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