Monday, September 24, 2007

Potty About Potter

Duncan's birthday was on the 21st July - and he had to share his special day with another guy.

Harry Potter

(Don't worry I'm not about to reveal any plot spoilers for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in this post. It's safe to read ahead :) )

It was the first time I'd ever lined up with the fanatics for the 7am bookstore rush. Being the cheapskate that I am, I used to wait until the book was available in paperback and therefore cheaper. But this year I had an Angus and Robertson voucher so I went to the Belmont Forum where I was out in 10 minutes.

Apparently it was a different story at the Carousel - queues of more than 45 minutes.

Duncan doesn't see what the big deal about Harry is and since we had his birthday gathering on his actual birthday, he put a ban on anyone being unsociable and reading Harry Potter instead of joining in the party.

I'm jolly glad I've now finished it cos now no-one can ruin the ending for me. It has taken me a while and I'm not normally a slow reader but I was so BUSY that I didn't have time to sit down and read sizeable chunks in one go. Every week my pastor's wife asked me if I'd finished yet so we could discuss the ending and a few weeks ago I was finally ready to talk about it.

Last week, I was talking to Emma on the phone and she hasn't read the last book yet but she mentioned that some people have already given away part of the plot to her. She's had the endings of the past three books ruined for her by big mouths - poor love.

Why must people do this? I told a friend that she wasn't to tell me ANYTHING that happened (she was further ahead than me at the time) and she said "Oh no, please I just want to tell you one thing."
I roared "SHUT UP."
Silence! Zip it! Shut your trap!

Far out, I wanted a surprise. Why do people want to ruin the surprise for others?

I got to the end without anyone giving away the ending and I don't intend to ruin it for anyone.

It's a shame there are no more books but I'm sure Duncan will be glad Harry won't be stealing my attention ;)

1 comment:

  1. I think most people just want to be the 'know-it-all'

    I keep asking my brother to tell me the ending but he is refusing!! I have only read the first potter book, and he wants me to read it all for myself :)

    what a good bro!


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