Monday, October 29, 2007

Bad Things Happen in Threes.....Then Came the Good News

I'm not superstitious but I am wondering if there's any truth in the saying 'bad things happen in threes.'

You see, not long after I wrote my last post on Friday, I was struck down with gastro.

It came on all of a sudden but fortunately it was right before I was due to finish work. I didn't end up going to the international student outreach my church runs on Friday and which I usually help with. Instead I went straight to the chemist and was soon at home in bed on a cocktail of drugs including Immodium and Phynergan and was drinking lots of Gastrolyte (that stuff is foul).

I'll spare you all the details as I don't want to gross you out....particularly if you're eating while reading this post ;)

So that capped off a pretty rotten week for me but by Saturday morning I was feeling a lot better and that's when I received some good news.

My friend, Sarah rang me about a different matter and when she found out I was going to be homeless, she quickly offered me a room at her new place. I knew she was going to be moving house in a couple of months but I didn't know she was still looking for another housemate...I thought she'd already got enough people.

I quickly accepted and thanked her and it turns out it is going to be her, myself and another friend of ours, Joanna living in this house. AND they are moving into this new place on the 11th December - a few days before I have to move out of my current place.

I am bit wary of living with two good friends of mine. I'm not sure how it'll go but I felt this was an opportunity brought along by God and I decided to jump. Hopefully we'll all get along great as housemates and are still good friends when I leave in April. Joanna is getting married to Dan, a week after Duncan and I so I do feel a bit sorry for Sarah, living with two brides ;)

Sarah's parents own the house so hopefully the rent won't be hideous. It's a bit further away from work but Joanna studies at the uni I work at so we might be able to carpool a bit.

I am SO relieved but also feeling ashamed and stupid for not trusting God with this. Why can't I just trust him? He doesn't need to prove himself to me, he's God! He has already proved himself trustworthy time after time, in the Bible, in my life, in the lives of others. All I could do was get down on my knees and thank him.

I'm thankful that he is kind and merciful and I'm so glad he sent Jesus. I pray I'll be able to trust him more and I'm grateful that he's teaching me to trust him more by taking away other things I lean on instead of him....even though it's not pleasant at the time.


  1. Ahhhh, see I knew it!

    PS. Yes, I was eating lunch so thanks for sparing those details. : )


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