Friday, October 05, 2007

Diary of a Wedding Planning Machine: Loaves and Fishes

You may be thinking: what's with the weird title? This post is actually about our engagement party.

We've been engaged for nearly three months but have been too busy/slack to get around to organising one. I think I've mentioned before that Duncan has a HUGE extended family. They're very close and keep in touch with great aunts, third cousins etc whereas I wouldn't have a clue who those people are in my family. So we're inviting EVERYONE to our engagement party and I think we'll need a miracle with loaves and fishes to be able to feed all these people.

Because neither of us have a house large enough to cater for the multitudes, we've decided an outdoor picnic is a goer (location will remain a mystery until after the date due to the public nature of this blog) :). Then afterwards I've convinced Duncan to go out and have a dance with any of our guests who are willing ;).

Much of my life lately has revolved around stamps, envelopes and address books, ringing Duncan to find out his family's names and addresses. I made the invitations on my computer and printed a huge batch but it wasn't enough so my printer's been cranking recently. I think we've invited about 200 people! Good grief, I wonder if people at our picnic location will think we're weird!

So far we've had 30-something people RSVP to say they're coming and a few can't come but the deadline is a week away so they've still got time. If you've read this post I did last year, you will know how I feel about people who don't RSVP.

I'm both excited and nervous about the party at the same time. It's not just about the organisation of the food but I feel quite overwhelmed by crowds when I'm one of the reasons for the party. It's different if it's a rock concert or something but the thought of all these people rocking up partly because of me, I'm just like "aaaagh!" Despite the fact that people might think I'm loud and 'out there' and that I've done acting, my problems with stress and the thought of trying to talk to everyone is a bit daunting.

But I'm sure God is in control and everything will be fine!


  1. That´s three months already?! Time runs! Have a great party :-)

  2. Thanks, I'm sure I will :)

  3. Party's can be overwhelming when you're the organizer & the star. Just sit back & enjoy yourself. Have fun:)


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