Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Diary of a Wedding Planning Machine: Photographer

Does anyone know of any good wedding photographers?

I fear we've left it a little late to be contacting photographers as a couple we liked and contacted (Narelle Watson and Third Eye Photography) are already booked. I've learnt you need to book EARLY. We're still waiting to hear back from a couple more but I was just wondering if anyone has any recommendations.

I really like good photography. It's the evidence of the wedding day and everything will be such a whirlwind it'd be nice to have good photos to remember it by. I especially love 'natural' shots where people are caught off guard rather than posing in some ridiculously awkward position.

Having said that, we don't want to pay huge amounts of money either. And we'd like to be able to have the rights to all of the photos and have a CD of them to print off.

Any suggestions?


  1. Maybe you ask Karen - she takes great, natural-looking pics. She is a designer and lives in Perth, a fellow blogger, too.

  2. We used Rob Watson (www.siphoto.com.au) but everyone uses him these days. You end up with the same photos as everyone else in your church. We gave him our own ideas (such as our graffiti wall) only to find him now taking other bridal parties to the graffiti wall...we were trying to be original but it was really annoying! He isn't all that cheap anymore either.

    My brother in law is a really good photographer, he may be interested. I'll email him ASAP and let you know. He wouldnt cost much :)

  3. Thanks :)

    Have just been informed by another three (Lauren Waye, Epicc Photography and Kin Photography) that they are also booked. Aargh! How many people in Perth are getting married on the same day?!?

    Waiting to hear back from another five....


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)