Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Faint Hearted

Yesterday, I went to a MoleScan clinic to get a skin cancer check. It was one of those things I kept meaning to do but always used busyness as an excuse to keep putting it off. Last Sunday at church, a friend was telling me how she'd been recently and this prompted me to ring up and make an appointment.

I was really hoping they didn't find anything even remotely dodgy and while the doctor was checking, she said "so far, so good." Then she spotted a couple which she reckoned looked a bit suss.

Now while I'm not a fan of needles, I'm all for the 'if in doubt, cut it out' motto so when she said she wanted to take a sample of one on my back, I obliged and hoped the anaesthetic needle wouldn't hurt. It stung a bit but was bearable. She took a photo of the other one and asked me to come back in three months or sooner if I noticed it had started to change.

In regards to the one on my back, she said no news was good news. If it's bad, she'll call me back and I have to come back to have it cut out. I have never been cut open while being awake and the only stitches I've ever had have been in my mouth when I had my wisdom teeth out and they came out by themselves. I've never had a local anaesthetic before, only general.

All was well until I went to the receptionist's desk to pay and I started to feel really weird. First my vision started to go, my ears were ringing and I felt really light-headed and sick. The receptionist quickly got the doctor and they got me a chair before I passed out. I was still conscious but couldn't hear very well, except that the doctor was telling me that this was a reaction to the anaesthetic and was normal.

I then had to lie down on a bed for half an hour before I was well enough to drive home.

Please pray that none of these two moles will need to be cut out. Otherwise I'm going to have to bring someone with me next time to drive me home in case I nearly pass out again. I'm trying to stop my mind drifting towards horrible thoughts of advanced skin cancer so prayers for everything to be okay would be much appreciated.


  1. hhmmm...now you've prompted me to get mine checked!!

    I'll be praying for you!!

  2. Will pray:)

    How much did it cost out of interest...I might go too:P

  3. It costs $55 but you get 30 odd dollars back through Medicare. There are a few MoleScan clinics around Perth. I went to the Como one but if you go to www.molescan.com.au you could find one closer to your area.

    Thanks for prayers guys :)

  4. Oops gave you the wrong website. Actually you can just look them up in the White Pages...it's easier :)


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