Monday, November 26, 2007

Interview With Sarah

Got this off Scott from Scott's Simple Life.

1. What time is it? 3:30pm
2. What is your full name? I'm not putting that on the web! Someone could Google me ;)
3. What are you most afraid of? Physical pain
4. Place of birth? Perth, Australia
5. Favourite food? CHOCOLATE! (silly question!)
6. Your natural hair colour? Light brown
7. Have you travelled? Just in WA and Victoria. Yet to go overseas.
8. Do you scrunch or fold toilet paper? Scruncher
9. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yep, all my loved ones. I cry when I think about/see them dying, going through hard times or changing for the worse/being influenced negatively by others.
10. Been in a car accident? One. It was one of the scariest incidents in my life. My friend Kate and I were driving to the video store two years ago and were going around a corner on a green arrow. Some idiot came flying through a red light, smashed into us, hitting the car just behind me and then drove off and left us there. The car did a 180 turn and ended up with $9000 worth of damage. We were okay apart from whiplash and shock but the tool who hit us was never caught.
11. BMW or Mercedes Benz? BMW but I don't really care - a car's a car.
12. Favourite day of the week? Saturday because there's still another day of the weekend to go.
13. Favourite Restaurant? Italian
14. Favourite Flower? Frangipani
15. Favourite sport to watch? Aussie Rules Football
16. Favourite Drink? Water, juice, chocolate milkshake, mocha, hot chocolate, iced chocolate (hmmm do we see a pattern here?), mango smoothie, Coke, lemonade, lemon lime and bitters.
17. Favourite ice cream? Cookie Crumble
18. Disney or Warner Brothers? Old Disney from the 50s, 60s and 70s - not this new Pixar crap!
19. Favourite fast food restaurant? KFC
20. What colour is your bedroom carpet? Avocado apparently.
21. How many times you failed your driver's test? Twice but it should have only been once. Stupid driver tester person...
22. From whom did you get your last e-mail? Justine, our wedding photographer. Yay!
23. Hobbies? Writing, gym, singing, acting and beading.
24. Bedtime? Too late for weeknights - that's why I'm always tired!
25. Who of your readers will answer this questionnaire? Not sure - surprise me!
26. Who is the person you are most curious to see their answers? Anyone
27. What means the most to you? Jesus, Duncan, family and friends.
28. Favourite TV shows? Out of the ones that are currently on: Home and Away, Heroes, All Saints, City Homicide and I've taped some episodes of The Librarians but have yet to watch them. I thought I should watch that show seeing as I am a librarian ;)
29. Dating males or females? My fiance Duncan.
30. Tall or short? This is a weird question. Does it mean whether I'm tall or short or whether I prefer tall or short people? I really don't care if people are tall or short. I'm 164cm so average I guess.
31. What is your favourite colour? Blue
32. How many pets do you have? One - Miss Ebony puss :)
33. Age? 24
34. What would you like to accomplish/do before you die? Go overseas and serve God in some way, finish my book and write many more (and get the first two made into movies and star in them), have kids.

So that's me, I'd love to see your answers. If you have a blog why not post your answers on your blog, by copying and pasting this post onto your blog and then deleting my answers and inserting your own. If you do, please leave a note in the comments section of this post with the link to your blog.

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