I hadn't moved for nearly four years so I was a bit out of practice. Despite all the hassles it involves, moving has a number of benefits. First of all, it motivates you to actually go through your stuff and have a good throw out. Stuff just tends to build up and although I claim to be a minimalist, I was quite embarrassed by the amount of junk I was shown to have. Duncan even said to me, "You're a hoarder, honey," as I passed him box after box.
Secondly, once we'd finished cleaning, my place was the cleanest it'd ever been, inside and out. As we moved what little furniture I did have, I was shocked to find thick layers of dust on the carpet and cobwebs on the walls. After hours of labour, it was so clean I wanted to move straight back in.
I don't know where I'd have been without my merry team of slaves - Duncan, Craig, Emma and Rhianon - who gave up parts of their day to help with the ardurous task. A big thank you to them!
After living in a place for nearly four years, I guess it's understandable that I became a little attached to it. My house certainly isn't in that great shape physically. Something was always breaking and we'd have to call the dreaded real estate agent who'd take a century to send someone to fix it. On the day I moved, both the front and back flyscreen doors had come off their hinges and the disgusting avocado-coloured carpet was starting to disintegrate. The whole inside needs renovating, the reticulation doesn't work properly, I could go on....
But it was my home and, after student housing, it was like a palace to me. A home is created by the people who live there despite the physical condition of the place. I have some great memories from my time there and also some pretty rotten ones but when you live somewhere for a resonable period of time, that's always going to be the case.
It was with great sadness that I locked the front door for the final time. It was the last time I would ever call that place home, to come driving into the complex and have Ebony waiting for me. But change is necessary and it was time to move on.
Now I'm in my new place with Sarah and Joanna at an undisclosed location (*wink*). I'm still adjusting to living with different people with different ways of doing things. In a couple of weeks, Joanna will be moving out so we'll be getting someone new - even more changes on the horizon. I'm further away from most of my friends, further away from the gym, from church and from work, although I've discovered that going to work on the freeway is actually a lot quicker than the way I took from my old house. Less traffic lights for a start!
It's exciting to explore a whole new neighbourhood and it's only for another three months until I start married life.
Goodbye Little Cannington House (haha yes I used to live in Cannington, I can admit it now that I've gone and no-one can stalk me).
Thanks for the memories!

We are in the middle of cleaning up our house in preparation for our move to NZ. I'm still finding stuff that's been in boxes for 6 years.
ReplyDeleteI find it a good opportunity to go thru & chuck some stuff out.