Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Diary of a Wedding Planning Machine: Two Not One

It's amazing the number of people who plan their weddings to a tee before they get engaged or even meet someone!

Trust me, as soon as you get engaged a lot of your carefully made plans will go out the window.

I thought I'd get married outside - I'm not.
I thought I'd have a small-ish wedding - no chance there!

When I was a teenager (and not Christian), I planned my wedding, even though I was far too young to get married and didn't have a boyfriend. I (like many non Christians) expected to live in a defacto relationship before marriage and already own my own home. Obviously Duncan and I are not living together and we don't have enough money to buy a house.

Times change and so do decisions.

I hear so many chicks saying, "My wedding will be like this.....". For a start, it's not my wedding - it's ours. A wedding is between two people. You are not marrying yourself.

Some singles have criticised me for changing my plans so Duncan and I can compromise. I tell them that if they get engaged, their carefully made plans will probably change too as they'll want to compromise with their fiance.

A marriage is about two not one, or rather about two becoming one. A wedding is a good place to start practising that.

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