Monday, May 12, 2008


Today, the 12th May 2008, is a milestone day.

Emma and Peter have been married for one year.
Its also been a year since we lived together.
Duncan and I have been married for one month.

I was thinking about Emma's wedding and how we were getting ready in the morning one year ago today. Just after 2pm we arrived at the church. A year ago tonight, we were partying on at the reception. Duncan and I were just dating then. A year later, we'd be married too.

Today we celebrate one month of being married. Woohoo some people may think saracastically. One month? Big deal! But in the first month of marriage there's a lot to adjust to if you haven't been living together before.

Sharing a bed is weird. Especially for Duncan since it was his bed first and now he has to adjust to a woman taking up half of it. A couple of times, I've rolled over and brushed against him in the middle of the night, initially thinking, Oh my gosh, who's in my bed? Then I realised, Oh they feel a bit hairy, oh it's all right, it's Duncan. ;) He has to put up with my moaning and talking in my sleep and I have to deal with his snoring. On our honeymoon, I was talking in my sleep a LOT and he said one night I said loudly, "Don't, you'll poison her!" I was having a dream that Duncan was crushing up a bath bomb and was going to put it in Ebony's food! The other night, Duncan woke up to me yelling, "Lift it up! LIFT IT UP!" When he asked me about it, I couldn't remember what on earth I'd been dreaming about. Last week, I had a virus which gave me bad stomach cramps, so bad that I was in agony on occasions. He said, "Honey, could you please keep the moaning down a bit." I said, "Hmph."

Marriage is testing my cooking skills. When I was single, I didn't put a lot of effort into my cooking because I was happy with simple meals. Now that I'm cooking for someone else, I'm making a lot of effort and I need to be organised with my shopping and planning meals as the supermarket is half an hour away. Since Duncan's working and I'm a bum, I feel I need to earn my keep in some way and that includes being a domestic super wife. :)

On the whole though, everything is going well and we're grateful that God has helped us adjust quicker than we expected.

Here's to many more milestones.


  1. Congrats to the way so far! :-)
    Am I glad that my "man" loves to do the cooking and I can be the one to only do the washing up!

  2. Sounds like fun Sarah hehehe

    Wow, Emma has been married a whole year? How the time flies!


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