Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Quote of the Day

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.
- Unknown


  1. We were talking about something similar at TNT last night. Particulary how we pray for people... We tend to pray, Lord end their suffering, let them get well, but instead we should be praying that the person may learn perserverance, endurance, deepen their relationship with God or even turn back to God, that they would be (perhaps) appropriately disciplined through the suffering etc etc... Its about learning to 'dance in the rain' rather than try to avoid the storm.

  2. P.S.
    Love the way you're keeping your 'news blogs' in chronological order!

  3. Haha yes news must be chronological :)

    Regarding the quote, I think it's still ok to pray for the safety, good health, end of suffering etc. I remember praying with a group of people and someone reckoned it was wrong to pray for a fellow group member to have a safe plane trip. They were of the opinion that if the plane crashes then so be it. While God is ultimately in control of every situation, I think some people have gone too far in their view of suffering and they see suffering as a good thing IN ITSELF and actually pray for God to bring suffering on their friends or they think they're less of a Christian because they're not suffering at the moment. I don't think suffering is ever good in itself but we can count it joy because, like you said, of the benefits it can bring. I think it's okay to pray for God to have mercy on the person yet that their faith will be strengthened, they'll come back to Christ etc.

    I guess I saw the quote as having a slightly different meaning. So many people see 'real life' as when everything's going well and when it's not they want the trial to be quickly over to they can get back to life when the trial IS part of their life.


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)