Saturday, July 05, 2008

Coming Up At The Sedshed....

Well, not long after I typed my last post, the laptop carked it by getting the blue screen of death. This is only a few weeks after my desktop PC decided it needed a new motherboard. So now we're computer-less and photos of our Tassie trip are looking unlikely for the next few weeks at least.

At the moment, I'm using a friend's computer and thought I'd get you all excited about all of my new series that are coming up after I get home. So again....don't nobody go nowhere.
  • Madam Sarah's Fine College of unique view of manners in today's age and beware - this is no finishing school.
  • The Pendulum......all about those 'grey' areas and how I strive for balance when it comes to certain issues. Sound intriguing? Then hang around....
  • Lyrics I Can Relate To......I'll post some lyrics that are relevant to my life at the moment or just about issues I'm musing about.
  • Small this series Ill examine the pros and cons and all kinds of issues associated with small groups. I'll mainly be focusing on Bible study/homegroups but will refer to groups of all kinds.
  • From Head to Hand - All About Writing......for those who (like me) have a passion or just a general curiosity about how to be a writer. I'll focus on characters, plots, developing ideas, basing your writing on 'real life', how to get published and more.
  • Friendships - the complex issues that arise in our relationships with each other and why we struggle to be 'friends forever'.

Vote on the poll on the right for the one that interests you the most.


  1. Sounds interesting! I voted for the last point on the list and look forward to your opinions!

  2. Sarah,

    I have started some post on small groups. Here is the post on group covenant.

    Hope it helps.

  3. Some good ideas there Sarah. I need to come up with some regular topics for my blog too. Any suggestions?


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)