Monday, September 08, 2008

Nobody Wants Me!

Job-wise that is....

I have been knocked back for two more jobs that I applied for - a teller position at BankWest and the customer services job at the Shire.

I was fine with it at first but now I'm starting to become a bit disheartened and I don't feel like applying for any more jobs.

Before you say, "Well you have a job, Sarah," yes I know I do. And I'm happy there. But a few weeks ago, I found out through the local grapevine that I wasn't first choice for that job. Another girl originally got my current position but quit after a week. I thought it was weird that my boss took so long to get back to me. She said she'd just been too busy. Now I know the truth.

It is a bruising blow to the ego to know that I'm not the first choice anywhere. I just want to be chosen because they like me and I'm the best for the position, not because everyone else has turned the job down. The trouble is, I know I could go back to Perth and get another librarian job easily. In country towns it seems like no-one wants to hire you if you have a degree. It's so frustrating because I just want a job and I don't care about the money. Because I spent so long studying towards my qualifications and then working in a related field, I have no experience anywhere else. I want an office job but I have no office experience and no-one will give me a chance. They're more willing to train you out here in the country but if there's someone with more experience then it's tough luck.

It's been suggested to me that I ask around and see if I can do work experience in an office. Sounds good in theory but I know from experience that many workplaces see work experience people as a nuisance and a burden on their time. They don't want to put the effort into training someone who isn't going to stick around. I know because that was the attitude of many people I worked with at the library. We're busy enough, we don't have time for work experience people. And at several places I've done work experience/prac at, although they've been nice, I got the feeling that there were things they'd rather be doing than training me. Either that or they give you all the stinking tasks they hate and you don't really learn anything of value, you just end up being a slave picking up the boss's lunch or something.

I've considered deleting my degrees off my resume but I've realised it won't work because then I'd have to explain what I've been doing with myself since I left school.

I think this is always going to be an issue for tertiary qualified people in small country towns...unless you're a teacher, a nurse or a doctor. There just isn't a lot out there and they seem to prefer unqualified people. I think it's always going to be a problem for us because Duncan loves being a farmhand and so we're most likely always going to be in tiny places.....but there isn't much there for me. If we move back to Perth then he'll be unhappy.

It's just a bit discouraging getting knocked back all the time.


  1. I'm sorry to hear that you are so discouraged. All I can say is what I know and it will sound clichéd (sorry about that).

    Seeing as you did get the job at the current place, even if it was as 'second choice' AND seeing as you are getting knocked back so much (go with me here...)

    1. You were God's first choice for your current place of work, the boss just got it wrong first time round.

    2. God must have you at your current place for a reason.

    3. There's probably another lesson he's teaching you (not something I could say, only you would know what it is).

    Hang in there, you are where you are for a reason. Oh, and remember that God always knew where you'd end up. : )

    PS Thanks for your encouragement on my blog lately too.

  2. That sucks. I hate the whole 'over qualified' excuse. That is not a legit reason for not hiring someone. I think it is just an easy excuse.

    I'll be praying for you and hope that something comes along!!

  3. Thanks Amanda and Bek.

    Amanda, they are good thoughts. I've been thinking that too...God must have me here for a reason. It's not that I don't enjoy my job - I do - and I did feel kind of guilty applying for those other jobs when I already had one, kinda like I was letting my boss down. I think I'm just big on loyalty in jobs, I don't like it when I hear of people changing their jobs every six months or so cos they're 'bored'. So I must be in my current job for a reason cos God sure won't let me go anywhere else.


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)