Friday, September 19, 2008

"Please Don't Take My Reproductive System!"

There comes a time in every dog's life when a decision must be made. As much as we love Maya, we realise that she's now six months old and if she continues to hang around Brad and Hayley's two unsterilised male dogs, we will soon end up with more Mayas!

So last Friday, Maya was sterilised. She wasn't looking this happy when she arrived at the vet.

Now she has to wear a bucket on her head so she can't pull her stitches out. The poor little buckethead!

We kept her inside for the first two nights and she must have needed to pee during the night because she tried to go in Ebony's litter tray. She really is a very intelligent dog. I wondered why the litter looked so wet and thought, Puss you must have really needed to go.
Maya is very impatient for her 'sick leave' to be over so she can get back out with the sheep and hang out with Jacko and Max (her older brother - same parents, previous litter). We have to keep her chained up so she won't go running and jumping and break her stitches so she's destroyed her bed in boredom and started to chew her water container. I think Ebony puss is glad 'that creature' can't chase her for a while.
Poor Maya puppy!


  1. You have a beautiful dog :) I'm a bit of a dog lover myself. Specially working dogs - kelpies, blue heelers, etc.

  2. awww poor "little" maya.
    she knows how to work that bucket though!! Go girl!! :)

    poor jet had his balls taken out, got doped up and dropped off on a plane, and then got dropped off to us in another state. poor thing....I think he still has nightmares! :)

  3. Maya says thank you for the compliments and well wishes. I might be biased but I do agree with you Jodie, she is beautiful...although she's much less arrogant than Ebony puss ;)

    Yeah she's really not so little anymore. She rides on the back of the ute now without being tied to it and can almost jump on the back by herself. She'll be 'Maya dog' rather than 'Maya puppy' soon.


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)