Monday, December 01, 2008

I Was Married To Chopper!

This year I think I've been very generous in allowing Duncan to grow some Movember whiskers. When he first got a text message from a friend of ours asking him to join a Movember team, my man was a bit reluctant. After a bit of encouragement from yours truly, he did a complete turnaround and decided to go the whole hog, copying our friend and growing a handlebar moustache.

For those of you who haven't heard of Movember, it's a fundraiser for men's health issues such as prostate cancer and depression. If you'd like to sponsor Duncan online, you can still do so here.

I'm quite grateful December is here and the mo is no more. Duncan did admit he became a bit attached to it but I gave him a nice ultimatum.....the mo or the wife. He chose wisely and the mo went last night. I'm not a facial hair fan (apart from eyebrows) and the mo felt like the bristles of an outdoor broom!

He shaved it off in stages and went from Chopper Read to a sleazy used car salesman to Hitler in one night! See the pictures on his blog.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! For me its either the scruff or the kiss.


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