Monday, January 12, 2009

Interview by Iris

Iris from Double Half and One Ten Without Ham was interviewed on her blog and asked if there was anyone who'd like to be interviewed by her. I thought it sounded like fun so I agreed. Iris chose the questions and here are my answers.

#1 What´s the best part about "living in the middle of nowhere"?
I'd say definitely the peace and quiet. Living out here has been much more beneficial for our marriage than if we lived in Perth. Friends who got married before us told us that the first few months of their marriage were crazy because EVERYONE wanted to catch up with them! Out here, we have less pressure (and less opportunity) to be super social and can spend time getting to know each other more as newlyweds.

#2 Your family is just beautiful. Anything you want to say to them?
I love them. That goes for both my new family (Duncan, Ebony and Maya) as well as my parents and brother and my extended family and now my family-in-law. We have our differences but I wouldn't choose anyone else to be my family. For those who aren't Christian, I pray they'd turn to Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

#3 In research to your writing ideas you get – it´s just fair, no? ;-) - an unlimited amount of money to go where you want to – where do you go?
Well if the money was specifically for writing research then I'd choose to go to Adelaide, Melbourne and Broome since parts of my book are set in those places. That may sound boring but since all of my books are set in Australia, I have no need to go overseas for that reason. In Adelaide, I'd like to visit the suburb of Alberton where the main character Brad grows up. In Melbourne, I'd love to visit the St Kilda and Port Melbourne areas because that's where the main characters reside. Having never visited Adelaide or had the time to see Melbourne properly, I feel I need to visit those places to have credibility as a writer.

#4 If your Mum and you changed bodies.... is there anythng you´d change in your upbringing?
Well, I'd want my mum to raise me to know Christ instead of secular with a few 'Christian morals' thrown in but then she couldn't have given me something she doesn't have herself. Less physical discipline would have been great but I guess most kids say that! Yes, I was bad some of the time but at times it felt like she smacked out of anger rather than love. I suppose I'll do the same thing when I'm a parent so I probably shouldn't judge. Overall, my mum did her best for me and that's what I'm grateful for.

#5 You are lucky, you met your Prince Charming!!! :-)In ten years – is there anything in addidion you wish for? Tell us!
In about 10 years it'd be great if we had a family...three kids maximum (God willing). I'd love to be the author of several books and screenplays and see them made into movies (and star in them)....that'd be cool! But mostly I wish that many I know would choose to follow Jesus and that I will keep loving them regardless.

P.S. You have LESS THAN 24 HOURS to vote in my poll on the right. See a couple of posts below for details. Thank yoooooooouu :)

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