Monday, January 05, 2009

Second Anniversary

I've been away on holidays in Dunsborough, Albany and Perth hence the lack of bloggage.

But now I'm back and today Duncan and I are celebrating being together for two years. I guess these sorts of anniversaries fade into insignificance now that the 12th April is meant to be the most important anniversary on our calendar but it's still fun to reminisce.

I always remember New Year's 2006/07 with fondness because Duncan and I went to the same party and became a couple five days later. We actually went on our first 'date' on the 2nd (three days before we got together) and it was at.....drum roll......Mc Donald's. Yes, nothing else was open for breakfast! How romantic :)

What will 2009 bring for us? Well, I'm hoping and praying it will be a lot calmer than our first two years.


  1. Just saw your post on Rodney's blog. I too, am wanting to write a book. I really feel God leading me, and have stuff in Word docs at the moement. Do you have any advice for me, starting out? How often do you write? Do you set aside time each day? I'm trying to even just organize the right amount of time and discipline to it at this point. It's a bit of a chaotic mess right now, and I am looking for all the resources and help I can get. Thanks and God Bless, and Good luck finishing the book too. Robin

  2. Congrats to your Anniversary! Sounds romantic, Mc Donald´s ;-)

  3. Thanks Iris.

    Hi Robin, that's cool that you're writing. I think self-discipline is definitely a key as well as persistence. I set aside a day, usually Fridays, and devote that day to writing. Lately, however, I've been doing little bits here and there where I find the time. I often lack motivation so I find I really have to force myself but once I get into it, it's ok. If you can't do a whole day, I recommend breaking a day up into parts such as doing a bit of writing then doing something else then doing some more writing etc. It helps if you have a written schedule so you aren't tempted to waste time. That helps me anyway. I'm doing a series on my blog on writing, the first post is at if you're interested.

    Best wishes and God bless as you write. Keep going :)


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