Monday, January 19, 2009

Seven Weird Things

I was tagged by Iris to list seven weird things about myself. It was nearly a month ago but I do get around to things eventually. My first thought was only seven things? But when I actually had to think about it, I was struggling to come up with enough. Perhaps I'm more normal than I thought....;)

1. I'm a bit anal (borrowing Bek's favourite word for a minute) about use-by-dates on food. I'm always checking stuff in my fridge and when I go to other people's houses I check the use-by-dates on their stuff too if they pass it to me to use (I just do it subtly). I'm more relaxed with dry food but I won't ever consider eating dairy even a DAY past.

2. I talk in my sleep regularly and sometimes sleepwalk or at least get out of my bed in my sleep even if I don't go far. I could create a whole new series of 'Sarah's Night Adventures'. Lately I've been dreaming a lot about spiders, in fact I had dreams about them about three nights in a row and woke up screaming and yelling to Duncan to kill the spiders that I was convinced were in our bed. He was VERY annoyed at me.

3. I remember dates very easily so History was a breeze for me in high school. I remember people's birthdays, anniversaries etc even when they forget and they just stare at me like I'm a freak. Sometimes I find I have to 'tone down' my long-term memory so I don't scare people.

4. I have a general dislike of what I call 'outdoor adventure activities' such as rockclimbing, abseiling, bushwalking/hiking etc. Well, I don't mind doing some of this stuff with Duncan and just one or two close friends but I hate doing them with big groups.

5. I have a few eating habits which others consider weird such as cheese and vegemite sandwiches and celery with peanut butter. Oh and I LOVE pouring some drinking chocolate powder into a cup and mixing it with a tiny bit of milk to make a thick chocolate sludge. YUM! When I lived with Emma I used to use it all up in the blink of an eye and she wasn't amused when she went to make a hot chocolate for Peter and found only a tiny bit left.

6. I have a special 'voice' I talk to Duncan in. In fact, he has a special voice he talks to me in too. Maybe a lot of couples do this.......or maybe we're just weeeeeiiird!

7. I had a long time obsession with Shane Bond when he played for the Eagles. Everyone else had crushes on Ben Cousins and Jess Sinclair but for me, it was Shane Bond. He was hot and I was devastated when he went to play for Port Adelaide and from him I got a lot of inspiration for my book.

I'm supposed to tag seven people but I can't be bothered so if you have a blog, please consider yourself tagged.


  1. "Abseiling"?! What a creation of a word is that? German: Abseilen.

    Hehe :-) Celery with peanut butter does sound... ummm, weird!

  2. Late last year I had some powder tomato soup which had a "Best Before" date in 1998. It was fine. One of the croutons tasted a little 'historic' though.


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