Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Why Am I Doing This?

It's probably a question that many bloggers ask themselves from time to time.

After a few months of thinking about this, I'm asking the question publicly.....

Should the Sedshed continue on in 2009 or should I pull the plug after two and a half years of blogging?

As I said, I've been thinking about this for months now, probably as far back as September so it isn't a brief moment of frustration. I'm just wondering whether it's worth me having a blog. I mean, the point of this blog is to generate discussion, encourage, debate, inspire and provide an outlet for me where I can interact with others.

But for months, nothing much has been happening. I try to ask questions and I still get no feedback (yes, the comments debate AGAIN). I know a few people lurk on my blog but never comment yet I don't exactly know how many or who. A few people who read this blog in the beginning seem to have fallen away which indicates to me that they have lost interest in what I write. Some blogs I really enjoy are either no more or irregular as the bloggers have either faced big life changes or just lost interest.

I don't know if it's worth keeping going for possibly only a handful of readers (my stats seem to indicate this is the case). I'm annoyed with myself for thinking this way because I really dislike the numbers game and have always believed that if this blog helps ONE person then it's worth it. But now I'm really questioning that thought. I think it's partly because I'm writing a book and I struggle with the 'writing for the market' mentality. I don't believe in compromising my creativity but if nobody seems to enjoy what you're writing, then it makes you question whether you're any good. Writers need feedback. I don't want a book there that nobody reads. Same as I don't want a blog that nobody reads otherwise why would I put it on the net? I might as well just have a paper diary.

When I voiced these thoughts to Duncan, he asked, "Do you enjoy blogging?". To that I replied, "Yes!". I love blogging, I really do and part of me would be very sad if it were to end now. I would lose so much but would the blogosphere lose anything by my departure? The honest answer is: probably not.

I've been trying to find more blogs to read (not that I don't enjoy the ones I currently read) and interact more but I don't just choose blogs to read for the sake of it. They must grab me in some way otherwise it's just sympathy commenting and I'm sure none of us like that.

So I'm going to have a poll to settle things once and for all. To those who are out there, I need you to vote. Do you want the Sedshed to continue? Or would you like me to write about something in particular? Does what I write interest you even in some small way? If so, then please vote anonymously on the poll. I will probably need around 10 'yes' votes to be convinced to keep going (and I'd appreciate it if everyone only voted once). You have six days, people. SIX days. I will continue to blog until I know the verdict.

I am grateful for those who regularly visit and comment on my blog. It has been great 'meeting' you all.

Part of me is scared silly by how this poll might turn out.


  1. Hey Sarah,

    Yes, your right, many bloggers do wonder about this. I have on more than one occassion,

    I suppose the change came for me when I changed my mindset on what I wanted from it. To be honest...I probably only blog for 'others' bout 30% of the time now. Most of my entries are actually for me. Whether it be reflecting, putting my thoughts down on paper, recording something I have 'done'...I'm actually a lot less concerned about comments these days. Could you have a paper diary? Sure...but a blog means it 'can' be commented on, even if it isn't always. The comments section becomes a bonus rather than a necessity this way. I like that about it!

    I really appreciate your blog. Though I won't be naive and say i know you well, what I do know of you has come from my interaction with you online. I think it is safe to say I prob wouldn't have as much interaction (if any:() if you weren't blogging. Yes, that does say something about the society we live in and how we make and keep friendships...but I guess I've come to be ok with this.

    I most certainly hope you get the 10 votes needed! You have 2 already and it hasn't long been up...I'll be praying more people vote ASAP!

  2. Hi Sarah,
    I read every post you put up. Often there are lurkers and you never know what they are taking from what you write, just the same way that you will never know the true effect of your novel when its published.

    I have gotten to know you pretty much 100% because of your blog, without it you would basically be 'the girl that Duncan married' not Sarah who is a librarian by trade and who loves to write and own chooks (even if they RIP) and who attends a lot of weddings etc.... Keep writing, otherwise I will miss you!

  3. Ditto to what my lovely wife just said :-)

    One other thing you may want to consider is weather maintaining your blog (and therefore an online presence/identity) would help/hinder your future writing endeavours. My suspicion would be that it would assist you in the long run and that could help you see past 'the numbers issue/lack of interaction' so speak.

  4. keep going sarah, i like to read it!!

  5. 6 days waaaay to short in holiday period!!! Some (lazy) people just got back to their computer (like me!)


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)