Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Back to School

When I finished uni at the end of 2004, I said, "Right, that's it! No more study! No more! Never!"

Never say never.
A few weeks ago, I enrolled in TAFE studying Certificate 2 in Business. For those of you who are thinking that sounds very boring or that it's not very 'me', it's actually not too bad. Why am I studying business? Well, last year I applied for admin jobs and didn't get any of them probably since I have no experience. That coupled with the realisation that we'll probably never return to the city have made me think that I need to be more employable for positions commonly advertised in small country towns....admin being one of them. Unfortunately a lot of little places don't seem to have any need for librarians.

So I'm a student again, studying part-time and externally which will probably take a couple of years. I submitted my first assignment last week....eeeeek! While parts of the course look very basic, I don't want to get too cocky and look stupid for failing the easiest of tasks.
I will say one thing though....I am NEVER going to back to uni!

Textbook #1

Textbook #2.  I need to order Textbook #3.

Some study guides.

Me doing my best impression of a study nerd
(wearing Duncan's glasses)


  1. Oh, my! Good luck, hope there is a bit of fun on the way there, too, Professor! ;-)

  2. You make my glasses look good hun! I don't think they suit me anymore...


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