Thursday, April 02, 2009

Jill's 30th

Last month, Duncan and I went on a daytrip to Perth for our friend Jill's 30th. It was a lunchtime barbecue at Churchman's Brook near Roleystone and the theme was come dressed as something to do with Jill. She got this idea courtesy of yours truly and I have now realised I can't actually have this idea for my own 30th. Oh well, I have four and a bit years to think of another topic. I digress....

Jill is an enthusiastic poultry keeper so I decided my costume would pay tribute to her four hens and I'd come as a chook. Duncan was very reluctant to come as anything (he doesn't share my passion for costume parties unfortunately) but I told him I'd make him a costume and that was that. On an earlier trip to the big smoke, I did some op-shopping and managed to find a white sheet and a yellow pillowcase and I was set. He was going to come as a fried egg.

Hayley came over to help me make his costume. We had to cut the sheet because there were little pink flowers around the edge of it and I decided to make into the shape of a poncho. The pillow case was cut into a circle and glued onto the front of the sheet.

I couldn't find anything to wear as a chicken so I hired the body and these enormous feet that felt like I was walking in flippers. I used yellow and red cardboard to make a comb, wattles and a beak and had a headband and elastic to hold it all together.

Duncan is a very sunsmart egg.

Sarah and I. This is our friend Jen's photo.
Bek and Jane. This is Jen's photo too.
The birthday girl. She came as herself.

The wind played havoc with the candles.

Celebrating 30 years.


  1. You guys are too funny! Your man must truly love you to go into public like that! :-)))

    Thanks, these pics made my work-break fun!

  2. He wore it under protest ;) The place it was held out wasn't full of people so I don't think anyone could say they were too embarrassed to be seen in costume.

  3. Awesome blog Sarah!! Your best ever I think!! But then, I'm rather biased! =)


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