Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Recently, I read Bek's post Name Calling where she asked about stories of how people got their names and the meanings behind them.

That made me think. Not about my own name but about others I've been given. You see, nobody ever seems to remember my name and I've been called just about every other name under the sun.....but my own. I must be a highly forgettable person!

Here are some of my 'aliases':

First Name:
Sara, Sally, Sandra, Sonya, Samantha, Emma, Rachel, Rebecca, Karen, Rosemary, Claire, Lisa, Jane, Helen.

Maiden Name:
Evans, Edwards, Edmonds, Edmondson, Edmuns, Edmuds, Edments, Ements.

Married Name:
Birt, Burton, Bird, Birch, Bush.

So as you can see, nobody gets any of my names right. It's kinda sad and funny really.

Claire Evans......Lisa Burton....oh well, at least I have lots of ideas for my next fake ID....kidding haha!

Does anyone ever get your name wrong? What 'aliases' have you had?

1 comment:

  1. Bummer, really! One should think your name isn´t that complicated, huh?! Rosemary?!!!! :-))

    I wish you a nice day, Barbara Jay Smith! ;-)


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