Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Funny

Well, I haven't been able to blog as much as like this week due to our VERY POOR internet connection.  Grrrr.  So here's a few jokes to end the week on a high.


How to tell if a Catholic is driving too fast

Jewish Olympic swimmer

Hilarious church signs

The woodpecker might have to go!


  1. Wow. In Germany we don´t have Church-Signs like that! Haven´t ever seen one that made me grin, smile, laugh or think.

    That´s rather poot, huh?!

  2. They're all American (only in America!) I doubt you'd see signs like this in Australia either.

  3. Well... isn´t that a pity?
    I´m not sure what to think, but... I do believe that could help to make people "think"...
    When my Bro got married in Church I was very surprised that the Pastor was full of humor and very modern, too. And I wondered why they don´t make it public? That they go with time, I mean.
    Or maybe he was just .. a very seldom specimen?


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