Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Avatar Review

As I mentioned in my last post, Duncan and I saw Avatar in 3D when we were last in Perth.  We bought our nerdy (and rip-off) 3D glasses and went to see a film that all we knew about was that it starred some funny-looking blue people.

In a nutshell, I loved the movie!  I get into movies that evoke some kind of emotion.  I cried in Avatar.  Any movie that can bring about that kind of response in me is a good movie, in my opinion.

I've read a blog posts that discuss the pantheism in the film, but, to be honest, that was not the first thing I noticed.  While watching it, I was strongly reminded of colonialism...the kind that has haunted our own country's history and many around the world where native people are invaded, stripped of their land and basically any dignity.  It made me furious when this happens in the film.  I found myself despising the humans and siding with the Na'vi....and I am a human!

As I think about the plight of invaded people groups around the world, I can't help but think the only good thing that came out of what our ancestors did was that the gospel message went out to many peoples and nations.  Unfortunately, many of the horrific and barbaric practices were done 'in the name of Christ' which makes me very ashamed, but I rejoice when I see people in countries with little more than the clothes on their backs praising and following Jesus wholeheartedly.  They put us materialistic Westerners to shame.

However, I was strongly aware during the movie, that I was being positioned to see the Na'vi as inherently 'good' and the humans (bar a handful) as inherently evil.  I believe there are positives from all cultures, but no culture can be described as inherently 'good' just to avoid being seen as racist.  All cultures have practices that are detestable in God's sight.

In regards to creation and the environment, I disagree with pantheism that God is in the creation.  I believe God created and the creation is there for our enjoyment, but I do not worship created things.  I worship the God who created them.

Some people I have talked to have played down the hype.  Others have detested the degree of violence in the film.  Overall it is a film well-worth seeing.  Allow yourself to swept away, but remain objective at the same time.  And, just think, you get to pay $3 for a nerdy pair of glasses.

Have you seen Avatar?  What are your thoughts?

Image is from

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the Movie .. thought it was great ... I sit on those big comfy chairs and relax - it's what I'm there for.


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