Monday, April 05, 2010

Bathroom Banter

Since we've been married, Duncan has had an annoying habit of pushing in while I'm using the bathroom.  I'll be standing at the basin, cleaning my teeth, and turn away for two seconds and he'll push in, so I'm forced to wait.  Hmph, I thought a week or so ago.  Two can play this game!

So one night, I was cleaning my teeth as usual, when Duncan pushed in.  I tried to smother a laugh, pointed my finger towards our bedroom and squealed loudly.
"What's going on?" Duncan asked, startled, his mouth full of toothpaste.
"I saw a rat!"
"Over there by the dirty clothes basket."
I was desperately holding in a fit of laughter while Duncan went to investigate.  By the time he returned, I was calmly cleaning my teeth, and when I saw the puzzled look on his face, I cackled loudly.
When it dawned on him that he'd been tricked, he said, "You NAUGHTY woman!"

Hahaha!  That'll teach him to be a bathroom hog! :)


  1. He he he, good one Sarah. It only works once though.

  2. Yeah I know but it was so worth it to see the look on his face...priceless hehehe. This time it was a time it'll be a snake :)


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