Monday, August 30, 2010

10 Things That Make Me Happy

I love quizzes, questionnaires and all that jazz.  Thanks Meredith from The Key to the Door for tagging me.

1.  The knowledge and comfort that Jesus Christ died for ALL my sins - past, present and future.  It's not up to me.  He has paid what I could never pay and my eternal future is secure.  Sometimes I don't think I will ever fully understand grace.

2.  Spending time with my wonderful man.  He is such a top bloke and I don't deserve him.  I love just being with him even when we don't have anything exciting planned.

3.  Going home to Albany to spend time with my family and return to my roots.

4.  Catching up with good friends, the ones who are your 'pyjama' friends as in you are so comfortable in their company.   Even a phone call or an email really makes my day.

5.  Travelling.  I'm so used to spending hours in the car that I really love it.  Road trips ROCK!

6.  Playing or watching sport, especially my Eagles.  I love the euphoria behind barracking for a team; it's totally goosebump kind of stuff.  It makes you feel united with complete strangers who you suddenly have something in common with because you go for the same team.

7.  Curling up on the couch with a good book or watching a DVD and eating chocolate.  Bliss!

8.  Bopping along to music - Christian or secular.  Dancing around like a maniac, singing in the car....good stuff!

9.  Going to the beach.  Whether it be plunging beneath the ocean on a beautiful day or just walking along the sand, dipping my feet in the water, the beach is truly a special place.

10.  Writing my book.  The satisfaction that I have finally gotten my ideas down on paper, and it is my very own creation.

It's hard to stop at ten.  There are so many things I enjoy and are grateful for.

I tag Amanda, Iris and Ronnica.


  1. I did it, thank you, Sarah! Would have chosen some of your points - if I was in your place!
    Loved living two very long Raod-Trips and the beaches over there. Miss it...

  2. That's a very happy list. And I know what you mean about it being hard to stop at ten. I had to cull an original list of 15 down to ten...and that was just skimming the surface. We are very blessed.

  3. Awesome post. Road trips rock! Great to meet a local blogger : )


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