Monday, August 09, 2010

Bullseye For Mr Grumpy

Duncan turned 29 a few week ago (yes, one year away from dirty 30).  My surprise present to him, which turned out to be not such a surprise in the end, was a trip to the Lone Ranges Shooting Complex in Belmont.

Duncan has a rifle, but we wanted to try some handguns.  We shot a .22 revolver and semi automatic.  You should have seen the reaction I got when I told some people I went shooting.  Some went, "Oh I can't believe YOU shot a gun," like I'm some kind of helpless little girl.  And these are people who apparently think they know me well.  Ha!  They obviously don't know me at all.  Then the same people went on and on, saying, "Guns are bad, mmmkay" (well in their own words).  Ummm we live on a FARM.  They are a necessity up here.  Besides, as one of my former workmates told me, guns aren't bad in's the idiot who's holding them.

My results with the semi automatic.  Poor Duncan was outshot by his lovely wife.

Happy shooters with their holey targets.  Yes, I was the only girl who shot.
L-R: Dave, Cam, Duncan, Mick and I.

Duncan's nickname (from me) is Mr Grumpy.  About two years ago, he went to Target to buy a pair of winter flannelette pyjamas, and when I met him outside the store, I asked him what he'd bought, expecting some ordinary-looking stripey ones.  Instead, he smirked, reached inside the bag and pulled out...Mr Grumpy pyjamas.  The pjs have become affectionately known as the 'Mr Grumpys', and now I've noticed that whenever Duncan put them on, he becomes Mr Grumpy!  It gave me a great idea for his birthday cake.

Novelty cakes are not really my forte, but I was quite pleased with how this one turned out.

Who looks grumpier?

How about in this one?

Our friends Ali and Jen who came up to visit and helped us devour Mr Grumpy.


  1. Ha, fun cake! Sounds like a good time was had by all (and great shot!).

  2. Happy/Grumpy Belated then! :-)
    Sounds like you sure had fun!


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