Monday, September 13, 2010

Quote of the Day

In my rather scathing post, Friday Focus: Mourning With The Mourning, I mentioned two friends of mine who are grieving.  I was talking to the first friend on the phone a few weeks ago, and she said the following quote, in relation to those who have avoided her during her grief.  A true friend will be there during both the ups AND downs.

If you're not going to share in my sorrow, then I don't want you to share in my joy.


  1. I read this quote this morning and I have been thinking about it all day. Grieving is a complex thing and so is being the witness to another's grief. Both are difficult and it seems to me that this is a very sad/angry way to respond.

  2. Yes, no doubt the comment sprang from her anger, but she is reacting to being seriously let down by a friend of hers who told her they'd be there for her, then completely avoided her. I agree with her in that I don't want people who I thought were good friends to come to my birthday parties, yet not be there for me when I lose a loved one or suffer an illness or accident. True friendship is about sharing both the sorrows and the joys.


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