Monday, September 27, 2010

There's No People Like Show People

Another year, another show up here in Dalwallinu.

This year we had our friends, Sarah and Reba, staying with us for the weekend so they were more than happy to tag along.  Reba is American and is in Perth for the next two years working towards a PhD.  Duncan and I met her for the first time a few months back because she is attending our old church, so we have many mutual friends.  It was a real delight to have her with us for the weekend because she is so enthusiastic about experiencing Australian life, whereas coming to the show with us would probably be considered too boring for a lot of other city people.

This year I was a bit less organised when it came to entering competitions.  I put this somewhat rushed effort together for the Funky Decorated Bra competition and after winning the funky hat and t-shirt competitions over the past two years, I thought I had a good chance.  Not so this year.

And here are two pieces of my beaded jewellery.  The necklace got a 1st prize which was nice (and $2 prize money).

I also entered five photos (I think Duncan took some of them actually).

This one got 2nd prize in the 'Farm activity' category.  Brad reckoned he should get the grand prize of $1 because he's driving the header in this photo.

This one got 2nd prize in the 'Open' category.

It was an excellent day despite the fact I had the flu (which later turned into a chest infection) and I felt like death warmed up.  Now I'm thinking, what the heck am I going to do with a watermelon bra?  Maybe some weirdo will buy it on ebay....


  1. Brilliant effort, love the bra and the pics are gorgeous too. Nice jewellery by the way!

  2. Ta. Wanna buy the watermelon bra? lol


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