Saturday, November 20, 2010

Friday Focus - Cat and Dog Theology

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about something I learned at the Perth Women's Convention back in August.  Judging from some conversations I've had with other women who attended the convention, this has been one of the things from the day which has stuck with us the most.  It's actually quite hilarious because I doubt it was one of the speaker's most pertinent points.

The speaker spoke about 'cat and dog theology' and used the illustration of how cats and dogs relate to their master.  There are heaps of sites on this topic if you Google it.  Dogs get a pat from their masters and think, My master is very kind to me.  My master must be very important.  Cats get a pat from their masters and think, My master is very kind to me.  I must be very important.  Everyone laughed when she said this because we all know how true it is of cats!  But it's also true of us.

I have a dog and a cat, and I see these behaviours in them.  Sometimes I sit outside on the front step, trying to have a quiet time, and the animals immediately descend on me.  Maya the dog often comes and 'bows', lying flat on her belly with her beautiful brown eyes looking at me in awe as if to say, "Mistress!"  While I'm trying to read, she's busy licking me, pawing me, and whimpering.  When I call her to come to me, she almost always obeys, and obeys with almost feverish excitement.  Her life aim seems to be to please Duncan and I.

Ebony the cat, on the other hand, is a downright madam!  She is the typical cat - whiny, demanding, and thinking our life purpose is to serve her.  And if she doesn't get what she wants when she wants it, she sulks.  While Maya thinks Duncan and I are gods, Ebony thinks SHE is God.

I was listening to an online sermon last week during which the speaker challenged us in our relationship with God - are we faithful dogs or self-centred cats?  To my shame, I admit I'm often much more like a cat - aloof, unfaithful, and selfish.  I often fall into the trap of thinking that God is a kind of genie who exists to serve me.  Now I want to be like Maya whose whole world is about her master.  I want my life to be about bringing glory to God, and not myself. 

I want to come a deeper understanding and realisation of just how holy, majestic, awesome and mighty is our God.  I have a long way to go, but I'm thankful God has started a good work in me, and will bring it to completion.

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1 comment:

  1. I remember that from conference too, thanks for the reminder today. It's so very, very true.


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