Monday, December 27, 2010


My good friend and fellow blogger, Amanda, celebrated her birthday a week or so ago, and I decided that this year she was going to do something to celebrate.  So back in August, I suggested we go opshopping for a whole day and Amanda could invite whoever she wanted.

There ended up being five of us so that was great as we could fit in one car.  We hit the opshops around the western suburbs, feeding off the fickle materialistic women of those ritzier areas who chuck out their clothes after two months or something ridiculous.  Their loss was our gain and we got some absolute bargains.

What a GREAT day out.  Amanda also has photos on her blog here.

Of course this was just the inagural opshopathon which implies there will be more.  Can't wait!

Amanda has obviously decided to renew her vows.

In the most hideous attire possible hehe.

Putting the loot into the boot at the end of the day.


  1. He he he, you have to send me those photos. SO funny! Thanks for organising it and I can't wait for more!

  2. I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it but I'll be at the next one for sure :)


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