Monday, January 10, 2011

The Last Battle

I wish I had happier news to start 2011, but it's not to be.

My Nan passed away in the early hours of Saturday 8th January.  She was 97 and less than two weeks shy of her 98th birthday.  Not quite a century, but still a very long innings.

I wrote in my post Friday Focus - But Even If He Should Not about how my Nan was flown to Perth from Albany on Sunday 25th July suffering a blood clot in her foot.  Miraculously she survived surgery (which was a success) after being willing to have her leg amputated if need be.

But as the months wore on, she faced battle after battle after her stay in hospital revealed a host of other health problems.  One of the valves in her heart wasn't working meaning her heart wasn't pumping oxygen adequately, and she had difficulty breathing.  Further tests revealed she had cancer although the type was never determined due to treatment not being an option.

In the end, Nan had to go into a nursing home which she hated.  She always said she'd rather die than go into a home.  In the end, she became very depressed and lost her will to live.  She passed away peacefully in her sleep.

I tried to share the gospel with her and in the end I could see that her attitude towards God was softening a little.  She told me she wasn't ready to die at first, and I tried to tell her how she could be at peace with God through Jesus.  As the months went by, she said she just wanted to die, but whether she turned to Jesus or not, I'll never know in this lifetime.

I miss her terribly, but I can still smile at all the funny things she said and did.  I feel very blessed to have had her as my Nan for 27 years.

Nan at 17.

Nan in the nursing home wearing her Christmas antlers.  I'm surprised she agreed to it actually.


  1. As I already have said, I'm so sorry to hear this. We will be thinking of you at this time. Wow you look just like her!!

  2. Praise God that you were able to talk to her about Him.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. ox

  3. Such sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  4. Sorry to hear the news, especially as one of the attractions of your move was to be nearer to her. I think you can take good courage from her softening attitude towards the things of God.
    Praying for you.

  5. So sorry for your loss, Sarah! But you have (again) a great attitude to see and remember the funny memories you had with her.

    I so can understand her, though - last thing I would want would be a Nursing Home. Loosing your independence on that level must be very hard.

    I hope you can keep your positive attitude after grieving properly and after all... maybe it was best for her, no?
    Good wishes from here...

  6. Thank you everyone. Your kind words, thoughts and prayers mean a lot.


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