Monday, January 30, 2012

Would You Read This Book?: 2012 Poll

I've decided to take a break from blogging this week.

But rather than leave you all with nothing, I want to ask you all to participate in the Sedshed Christian Book Poll for 2012.

Below is a list of Christian books that I've reviewed/mentioned on this blog with links to where I have reviewed them.  I would like to know if you have ever picked up a book because of a review read on the blog.  The key phrase is because of a review you read on this blog.  If you've already read a book before I reviewed it, that doesn't count.  I want to know if you have gone out and bought or borrowed or plan to read a book because you read a review on here and thought, Hmmm that sounds interesting.

You can vote for more than one book if you like.

The reason I'm asking you all to do this is because I've signed up for Matthias Media's Free for Bloggers program.  Matthias Media send me one of their books (I get to choose from a shortlist).  I then read it, review it on my blog and link to my review on their site.  I've been reading their books for years and have enjoyed and been challenged by them.  I'm looking forward to getting stuck into The Trellis and the Vine this week.  Expect a review soon.

One thing I never want to do is 'sell out' on this blog.  I plan to review honestly.  One blog I used to really enjoy has now been completely taken over by advertising.  Every post is a review of different makeup products.  Boring!  That's NOT why I'm participating in this program.

Here's the list:

Daniel's Diet by Philip Bridgeman
Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges
The Peacemaker by Ken Sande
If I Were God I'd End All the Pain by John Dickson
No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green by Melody Green and David Hazard
A Foot in Two Worlds by John Chapman
Blame it on the Brain? by Edward T Welch
Beyond Greed by Brian Rosner
666 And All That by John Dickson and Greg Clarke
Charles Spurgeon by JC Carlile
The Heart of the Artist by Rory Noland
Simply Christianity by John Dickson
Refuting Compromise by Jonathan Sarfati
The Essence of Darwinism by Kirsten Birkett
The Busy Christian's Guide to Busyness by Tim Chester
When I Don't Desire God by John Piper

Apologies to anyone reading who is not at all interested in Christian books.  I'll be back in a week with something different.

It would be really great if I could get at least 10 people to participate in this poll.  Of course, if none of these books interest you, that's fine.  But if they do, please take the time to let me know.

The poll closes at midday (Australian Western Standard Time) next Monday 6th February.
Please click through to vote if you are using a reader.
Have a great week....and poll away.

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