Monday, February 07, 2011

2011: The Year of Recovery

Some wise people, who I am privileged to have in my life, have suggested to me recently that I've had a rough last few years.  2007-2010 have been dominated by change and conflict.  I need a rest.  I need to look after myself.

In light of these conversations, I have assigned 2011 to be a year of recovery for me.  I'm going to take some time out to look after my physical and spiritual health.  I'm going to take some time settling in.  I'm going to spend time with Duncan and those who are dear to me.  I'm going to concentrate on finishing editing my book and start the search for a publisher.  I'm going to rediscover my joy in the simple things of life like going out for a meal or a coffee, or walking along the beach.

These plans are going to take some sticking to, I can imagine.  I'm impatient for everything to become 'normal' and to establish some sort of routine.  I don't like being idle.  It's tempting to dive headfirst into a new community and try to get involved in everything.  I can also imagine that some Christians will think these plans will sound remarkably like laziness and selfish indulgence.  I've heard one person I know in full-time paid ministry say, "Sacrifice is measured by what you have left."  This is true, but you also need to have boundaries and care for yourself.  You will be no use to anyone if you have a breakdown.

2011 is only a few weeks old and has already been turbulent.  My life is far from normal at the moment.  Our house is a chaotic mess, and I have just lost a loved one.  We know very few people in Kojonup and are about to start the daunting task of building relationships.  A couple of weeks ago I had one almighty meltdown where I just couldn't cope anymore and everything seemed too hard.  That's when I realised I need to be serious about being kind to myself this year.

To do this, I need to put some plans in place, and one them involves using Facebook less.  Why?  Well, I'll blog about that later.


  1. Good luck, hope you feel better soon! I once overdid it, ended up all shaky and my doc signed me sick three long weeks, warning me to slow down.

  2. Excellent. Wise. Wonderful.
    Recover well.


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