Tuesday, March 08, 2011

I'm Sorry, Your Application Was Unsuccessful

A few weeks ago I applied for an admin job at the Shire office in Cranbrook.  Cranbrook is a small town just over half an hour's drive from our home.  The distance didn't bother me in the slightest since I used to drive from Buntine to Dalwallinu all the time for work, church and everything else, plus Duncan and I are now going to church in Cranbrook.

The position was full-time, but I phoned them and asked if they would consider job-share.  They said they would so I applied and a couple of weeks later they phoned me and invited me to come for an interview.  I thought the interview went as well as it could.  The two staff members conducting the interview were very friendly and put me at ease.  They assured that my request for job-share would not disadvantage me.

Unfortunately I found out last week I did not get the position.  They said they were impressed with my interview, but ultimately I was not chosen.  I felt a bit despondent and wondered if what happened in Dally was going to happen all over again.

The good news is that I do have a casual admin job working from home for the equivalent of one day per week.  A lady from a grower group (the same sort of group I worked for in Buntine) had heard about me and asked if I would like to work with her.  This group is just getting off the ground so they don't have an office yet.  I met the lady for a coffee in town and she is lovely.  I can see myself working well with her so I accepted her offer.

It's a start!  Still, two days more work per week would be nice so it's back to the cold-turkey resume drop-offs.  Maybe God's will is for my book to be published and my time will be taken up with that...who knows?!?

I'm trying to take each day as it comes and enjoy unemployment.

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  1. God's will be done in this case as with all things.

    I invite you to follow my blog.


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