Wednesday, May 04, 2011

30 Pictures

Ever since I saw Allie from It's A Wonderful Life do this, I've been meaning to as well.

Here goes....

1.  Someone you spend a lot of time with

2.  A picture of you

3.  A random photo of you and your significant other

4.  An old picture of you

5.  A picture of something that makes you happy

6.  A picture of your siblings

7.  A picture of a person you miss

8.  A picture you've never posted on your blog before

My friend Rachel and I trying on kids' sunnies in Kmart (don't we look special!) - Feb 2006

9.  A picture of people who knew you then and know you now

10.  A picture of your favourite place

Frenchman Bay (near Albany)

11.  A person you can tell anything to

My amazing friend, Sarah

12.  A picture of your everyday life

Life on the farm

13.  A picture from a place you love


14.  A picture that reminds you of good times

Christina and I at my 16th birthday

15.  A class photo

Year 7 (1995).  I'm in the front row, third from the right

16.  A picture of the best day of your life

17.  A picture that always makes you laugh

18.  A picture of your spare time

My blog hehe

19.  A photo from a great night

My parents are officially weirdos!

20.  A picture of the people closest to you

21.  A picture of someone you always have a good time with

Mandyman! :)

22.  A picture of your parents when they were around your age

My parents' wedding - 13th April 1974

23.  A picture from last summer

24.  A picture of your closest friend of the opposite sex (not your significant other)

Mine and Dunc's great mate Craig (married to Sarah)

25.  A picture of your favourite vacation

Our honeymoon in Tasmania.  Getting to meet Freddo at the Cadbury factory in Hobart was a highlight.

26.  A picture of an accomplishment

27.  A picture of your closest friend

28.  A random picture from Photobooth

Ok so it's not Photobooth, but you have to admit it would make a darn good Photobooth photo hehe.

29.  A photo that makes you smile

Hehe Amanda's light fitting hat and Taryn's veil always crack me up.

30.  Someone you will never let go of

The Lord Jesus (He will never let go of me)

If you have a blog, why not have a go :)

Photos 16, 20 and 27 were taken by our wedding photographer, Justine Stevens.


  1. I loved that and feel very honoured to have been included. I'm glad we made you smile. x

  2. Hehe I reckon you should just use your light fitting as a hat permanently. I DARE you! ;)

    That Opshopathon was such a fantastic day. I can't wait until the next one.

  3. That was fun! Loved (amongst other) the pic of your parents "officially..." :-)

  4. I love this concept for a post. Touching and says so much.

  5. I don't even know you, but that was very entertaining! :-)


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