Monday, May 30, 2011

I Love Costumes!

Today is my 28th birthday!

To celebrate, I thought I'd take a trip down memory lane and share my love for dressing up over the years.  That love has not faded with time.

Aged 4, with my Easter bunny ears.
Kindy dress up day 1988.  I'm supposed to be a Swiss girl.
Off to the Fancy Dress Ball in Year 1 as Mary had a Little Lamb (1989)
Year 2 (1990).  I think I'm supposed to be a flower seller haha.

Year 3 (1991) as a ballroom dancer.

Easter Hat Parade

Year 4 (1992).  I'm a gypsy.  Tim is Indiana Jones.

Year 4 (1992).  French la la!

Year 6 (1994).  I'm a convict.  Tim is a pirate.

Playing a granny in the play I wrote in Year 10 with two of my friends.

With my friend, Rachel, after our Year 12 play (2000)

My first uni pantomime (2002).  I love playing the 'baddies'.

Princesses are not as fun to play (2002).

Student housing Halloween party (2003).  The first appearance of the evil grandma!

My second pantomime (2003).

The famous chicken hat which made a few appearances over the years (2004).

Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz at my friend Sarah's 30th (2004).

Rocking on at church supper (2005).

At some friends' 'Back to School' birthday party (2005).

Evil Grandma makes another appearance - this time at a housewarming (2006)

I really am an angel in disguise.  Church camp (2006)

The wench and the mobster off to a 1930s themed 30th (2007)

Hideously glitzy and glamorous at my Dad's 60th (2008)
Duncan came as a fried egg most reluctantly to our friend Jill's 30th (2009)

Our friend Karina's masquerade birthday (2009).  Evil Grandma strikes again!

My friend Sarah's bad taste birthday party (2010)


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)